Section: New Results

Meristem functioning and development

In axis 2 work focuses on the creation of a virtual meristem, at cell resolution, able to integrate the recent results in developmental biology and to simulate the feedback loops between physiology and growth. The approach is subdivided into several sub-areas of research.

Data acquisition and design of meristem models

Participants : Frédéric Boudon, Christophe Godin, Christophe Pradal, Vincent Mirabet [RDP, ENS] , Jan Traas, Grégoire Malandain, Jean-Luc Verdeil [PHIV, AGAP] .

This research theme is supported by the iSam and Morphogenetics projects.

  • Improvement of the MARS-ALT pipeline robustness Meristem, laser microscopy, image reconstruction, cell segmentation, automatic lineaging

    Participants : Léo Guignard, Christophe Godin, Grégoire Malandain, Jan Traas, Pradeep Das [RDP, ENS] , Vincent Mirabet [RDP, ENS] .

    The MARS-ALT (Multi-Angles Registration and Segmentation - Automatic Lineage Tracking) software pipeline automatically performs a segmentation at cell resolution from 3D or 2D voxel images where the membranes/walls are marked (by a die for example) and makes it possible to follow the lineage of these cells through time [5] . A new version of this pipeline is currently being developed. MARS-ALT Version 2 is based on the same algorithms and methods and is intended to improve the overall robustness of the pipeline (protocol, noise in the input image) and automate completely the process. To test the new pipeline, we use different acquisition protocols and different organisms (floral and apical meristems and the early stages of development of a marine animal Phallusia mammillata). The segmentation is corrected a posteriori to deal with imaging artifacts due to uncertainties of acquisition. The image data set on which we develop the methods consists of :

    • Arabidopsis thaliana shoot apical meristem and primordia with around 6000 cells. The organ is captured from three different angles every 20 hours 3 or 4 times with a confocal microscope (Collaboration Sainsbury lab, Cambridge)

    • Arabidopsis thaliana flower meristems with around 2000 cells. The organ is also captured from three different angles every 20 hours 3 to 5 times with a confocal microscope (Collaboration RDP Lyon)

    • Phallusia mammillata and Ciona intestinalis embryos with from 32 cells to around 1000 cells. The organism is captured from four different angles every 2 minutes during 2 to 3 hours with a SPIM (Single Plane Illumination Microscope) (Collaboration CRBM Montpellier / EMBL Heidelberg)

    The pipeline provides as an output segmented images on which metrics for each cells can be extracted such as volume, principal components, convex hull and so on. A new non-linear registration algorithm developed by G. Malandain (MORPHEME team, Inria Sophia-Antipolis) is now available and will lead to an improvement of ALT algorithm. Redesign and improvement of the lineage tracking pipeline will be the next step.

    Figure 4. Superimposition of an automatic cell segmentation of an arabidopsis flower meristem using the new MARS pipeline with the original confocal image stack where the membranes are marked.
  • Design of 3D virtual atlases for specifying gene expression patterns (Jérôme Chopard, Christophe Godin, Jan Traas, Françoise Monéger [RDP, ENS])

    This research theme is supported the ANR GeneShape and iSam projects.

    To organize the various genetic, physiological, physical, temporal and positional informations, we build a spatialized and dynamic database. This database makes it possible to store all the collected information on a virtual 3D structure representing a typical organ. Each piece of information has to be located spatially and temporally in the database. Tools to visually retrieve and manipulate the information, quantitatively through space and time are being developed. For this, the 3D structure of a typical organ has been created at the different stages of development of the flower bud. This virtual structure contains spatial and temporal information on mean cell numbers, cell size, cell lineages, possible cell polarization (transporters, microtubules), and gene expression patterns. Such 3D virtual atlas is mainly descriptive. However, like for classical databases, specific tools make it possible to explore the virtual atlas according to main index keys, in particular spatial and temporal keys. Both a dedicated language and a 3D user interface are being designed to investigate and query the 3D virtual atlas.

    A prototype version of the 3D virtual atlas was built last year [8] . Further developments of this tool will rely on the segmented images produced from microscopy, as presented in the previous section. In particular, a common underlying data structure has to be developed transversally to these two scientific developments. The definition of this data structure has been initiated last year through several team meetings, and should lead to a revised implementation next year.

Shape analysis of meristems

(Jonathan Legrand, Clémence Hatt [BURST, AGAP], Jean-Baptiste Durand, Frédéric Boudon, Christophe Godin, Yann Guédon, François Mankessi [BURST, AGAP], Olivier Monteuuis [BURST, AGAP], Jean-Luc Verdeil [PHIV, AGAP] )

Plants that grow several forms or type of leaves along a shoot, depending on age or shoot length, are called heteroblastic.The influence of heteroblasty on morphological and histocytological characteristics of Acacia mangium shoot apical meristems (SAMs) was assessed comparing materials with mature and juvenile leaf morphology in natural and in vitro conditions. For this we introduced a workflow for characterizing dome shape with few parameters (SAM dome heigth (H), basal diameter (D) and shape factor (S)) and their joint statistical analysis to assess influence of conditions on SAM shape. In particular, a new statistical test is introduced here for multivariate analysis. This is a generalization of univariate ANOVA that takes into account statistical dependencies between the shape parameters. As a result, we found that SAM dome height (H) and basal diameter (D) were highly correlated. The joint analysis revealed that H, D, and shape (S) varied significantly according to the four plant origins investigated, with the higher scores for the outdoor mature source "Mat". Overall, heteroblasty induced more conspicuous differences of SAM characteristics for the outdoor than for the in vitro materials. A paper presenting these results has been published in Trees [20]

At cellular resolution, we studied the organization of cells in the meristems. The MARS-ALT pipeline provides rich spatio-temporal data sets for analyzing the development of meristems. A first step consisted of designing a dedicated graph for efficiently representing the spatial (adjacency between cells) and temporal (cell division) relationships between cells. Various variables can be attached either to the vertices (e.g. cell volume, inertia axes) or the edges (e.g. wall surface, distance between cell centroids). This graph may be augmented by new variables resulting from various spatial or temporal filtering (e.g. cell volumetric growth). We are now designing models and algorithms for finding patterns in time courses of meristems. In particular, we are investigating spectral clustering methods in order to define homogeneous regions in term of cell identities.

Transport models

Participants : Michael Walker, Christophe Godin, Etienne Farcot, Jan Traas, Yuan Yuan [University of Newfoundland, Canada] .

This research theme is supported by the ANR GeneShape and ERASysBio+ iSAM projects and Morphogenetics.

Active transport of the plant hormone auxin has been shown to play a key role in the initiation of organs at the shoot apex, and vein formation in both leaves and the shoot apical meristem. Polar localized membrane proteins of the PIN1 and AUX/LAX family facilitate this transport and observations and models suggest that the coherent organization of these proteins in the L1 layer is responsible for the creation of auxin maxima (surrounded by a depletion zone), which in turn triggers organ initiation close to the meristem center [46] [1] . Furthermore, canalized PIN allocations are thought to play a crucial role in vein formation in the leaf and in the L2. Previous studies have typically modeled the L1 and L2 with different models to explain different patterns of PIN allocations. In the last two years, we developed a unifying model showing that a unique flux-based model could be sufficient to explain PIN patterns in both L1 and L2 [25] . Contrary to our previous study [11] , here no change in the model parameters is needed for this. Our approach is based on inherent topological and geometrical differences between the L1 and L2, specifically their dimensionality and the distribution of sources and sinks.

In a different perspective, another study on auxin transport models have been submitted this year. In this work, a generic, adimensional flux-based model of auxin transport was studied using a combination of analytic and numeric approach. The steady-states with uniform auxin distribution where characterised for arbitrary tissues, and some of their bifurcations (loss of stability and Hopf) were described. This work, initiated during an "Explorateur" project funded by Inria during the period October 2012-January 2013, was submitted by E. Farcot and Y. Yuan (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada) in September and is still under review.

Mechanical model

Participants : Jérôme Chopard, Olivier Ali, Christophe Godin, Frédéric Boudon, Jan Traas, Olivier Hamant [ENS-Lyon] , Arezki Boudaoud [ENS-Lyon] .

This research theme is supported by the ANR VirtualFlower and Geneshape projects together with the Inria project Morphogenetics and the ERC from Jan Traas.

The rigid cell walls that surround plant cells is responsible for their shape. These structures are under constraint due to turgor pressure inside the cell. To study the changes of shape in plant tissues during organogenesis, we need a mechanical model of tissue development at cellular resolution. We developed such a model, in which walls are characterized by their mechanical properties like the Young modulus which describes the elasticity of the material. Wall deformation results from forces due to turgor pressure. Growth results from cell wall synthesis that is triggered when wall deformation exceeds a particular threshold. The final shape of the tissue integrates mechanically all the local deformations of each cell.

To model this process, we used a tensorial approach to describe both tissue deformation and stresses. Deformations were decomposed into elementary transformations that can be related to underlying biological processes. However, we showed that the observed deformations does not map directly local growth instructions given by genes and physiology in each cell. Instead, the growth is a two-stage process where genes are specifying how cell walls should yield to mechanical stresses. In this way, different regions in the tissue with different cell identities can have different growth properties. The final shape of the tissue results from the integration of all these mechanical properties and stresses at organ level under the growth force due to turgor pressure at tissue scale.

A paper describing the mechanical model and its application to model primorium formation in the shoot apical meristem is currently being written. Additionally, a redesign of our mechanical model using the SOFA framework is in progress.

Gene regulatory networks

Modeling gene activities within cells is of primary importance since cell identities correspond to stable combination of gene expression. This fact is becoming more and more acknowledged, and has led this year to the publication of several review articles including members of Virtual Plants as authors [22] , [23] , [24] , [13] .

  • The auxin signaling pathway (Etienne Farcot, Yann Guédon, Christophe Godin, Yassin Refahi, Jonathan Legrand, Jan Traas, Teva Vernoux, Stéphane Robin [AgroParisTech], Jean-Benoist Leger [AgroParisTech])

    The auxin signalling network involves about 50 potentially interacting factors. We applied a graph clustering method [12] that relies on 0/1 interactions between factors deduced from yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) data. The Y2H analysis involves two independent tests (X-gal and HIS3 tests). Each possible interaction was tested in the two possible configurations, where each protein was alternatively the bait and the prey protein. A binary interaction is thus a summary of the four outputs of the X-gal and HIS3 tests. In order to limit the loss of information, we designed a standardization procedure to summarize the outputs of the X-gal and HIS3 tests as a distance defined on a continuous scale. This opens the possibility to study the influence of phylogenetic distances between factors on their interactions using an extension of the mixture model for random graphs that incorporate explanatory variables. This new model evidences different behaviors between the ARF+ and the Aux/IAA factors.

    Extensions of this ODE model are necessary to better understand this system in more general contexts than the shoot apical meristem development, which was the framework of our previous study. This work involves defining and studying mathematically a series of distinct network topologies for the auxin signalling pathway. This was the topic of a Master's internship for the studend Cyril Lavedrine, from September to December 2012, co-supervised by E. Farcot and T. Vernoux. This work led to qualitative predictions which remain to be tested experimentally.

  • Complex dynamics and spatial interactions in gene networks (Yassin Refahi, Etienne Farcot, Christophe Godin)

    Complex computational and mathematical questions arise in the study of gene networks at two levels: (i) the single cell level, due to complex, nonlinear interactions, (ii) the tissue level, where multiple cells interact through molecular signals and growth, so that even simple local rules can challenge our intuition at higher scales.

    At the single cell level, new results were obtained in the framework of piecewise-linear models. Since their introduction in the late 1960's, these models have been believed to present chaotic behavior in some parameter regimes. However, this was mostly observed numerically, based on intensive generation of random networks. In a long lasting collaboration between E. Farcot and R. Edwards (Univ. Victoria, Canada), with more recent input from one of his students, E. Foxall, we have introduced a method to explicitly build piecewise affine models having a return map which is conjugate to a topological horseshoe. A paper presenting these results has appeared this year [18] .

    For the same class of piecewise-linear models, it is in general very difficult to entirely characterize the attractors of a given system. In an attempt to improve our ability on this question, a probabilistic approach has been proposed in [15] , in which it is shown that a Markov chain can built as an approximation of a given piecewise-linear system, and actually used to make predictions about its periodic attractors.

    At a higher scale, we have also continued the study of gene regulation in meristematic tissues. In the context of Y. Refahi's post-doc between Virtual Plants and the group of Henrik Jönsson in Cambridge (Sainsbury Laboratory), we have continued a work that was initiated in Y. Refahi's thesis. This work is motivated by recent biological results, indicating that gradient-like patterns originating from the external layers of meristems may play a decisive role in the specification of the pool of stem cells in a central position. Using the methods in [5] , and their on-going improvements, we have acquired new 3D and 4D images that were then segmented. These structures will be used in the next few months to investigate generic patterning properties of gradient like morphogen patterns. This will require a thorough analysis of free diffusion in realistic geometries, as made possible by the newly acquired images. As a preliminary work, we are also currently investigating the formation of gradient patterns in idealised tissues, allowing for deeper analytic treatment than the complex structures obtained by microscopy.

Model integration

Participants : Mikaël Lucas [IRD] , Michael Walker, Jérôme Chopard, Frédéric Boudon, Christophe Godin, Laurent Laplaze, Jan Traas, François Parcy.

This research theme is supported by the ANR/BBSRC project iSam.

Our approach consists of building a programmable tissue which is able to accept different modeling components. This includes a central data structure representing the tissue in either 2-D or 3-D, which is able to grow in time, models of gene activity and regulation, models of signal exchange (physical and chemical) between cells and models of cell cycle (which includes cell division). For each modeling component, one or several approaches are investigated in depth, possibly at different temporal and spatial scales, using the data available from the partners (imaging, gene networks, and expression patterns). Approaches are compared and assessed on the same data. The objective of each submodel component will be to provide plugin components, corresponding to simplified versions of their models if necessary, that can be injected in the programmable tissue platform. This work is developed in collaboration with the RDP grou at ENS-Lyon [23] and the CPIB group in Nottingham, UK [13] .

  • Development of a computer platform for the 'programmable tissue'. (Michael Walker, Frédéric Boudon, Etienne Farcot, Christophe Godin)

    One key aspect of our approach is the development of a computer platform dedicated to programming virtual tissue development. This platform will be used to carry out integration of the different models developed in this research axis. The platform is based on OpenAlea. Partner models can be integrated in the platform in a non-intrusive way (the code of their model need not be rewritten). In this context, model integration will i) consist of designing adequate data-structures at different levels that will be exchanged and reused among the different plug-in models and ii) defining control flows at adequate levels to avoid the burden of excessive interaction between components. In the past year, progress has been made in defining a generic tissue data structure that could be used in this platform, through several group meetings along the year. A redesign of the structure is in progress.

  • Design of a genetic model of inflorescence development. (Etienne Farcot, Christophe Godin, François Parcy)

    We studied the regulatory network that control flower development during morphogenesis. To overcome the network complexity and integrate this regulation during ontogenesis, we have developed a first model of the control of floral initiation by genes, and in particular the situation of cauliflower mutants, in which the repeatedly meristem fails in making a complete transition to the flower. This work couples models at different scales, since gene regulation is described by a minimal gene network, which is used as a decision module in an L-system model of the inflorescence architecture. This mixed model has led us to make different hypotheses about gene interactions and hormonal regulation. First predictions about gene actors controling the passage to flower could be verified. However, a complete integrated picture of flower development could not be reached yet. After several unsuccessful attempts, further experiments are currently being made to verify the scenario predicted by the model.